Jumat, 20 April 2012


Motivation for dreamers is largely built around my own personal motivation stories. There are many lessons on life, success, achievement, motivation and dreams that I have learnt and seen from my experiences in life. Most times these experiences are not unique or extraordinary in any way. But what makes them different is the lessons I drew from them.So I got to thinking that it’s not a good idea to simply share my own experiences, insights and perspectives. Each one of us has learnt something that has made a real difference in our own lives. Why not create a community in which other people can share their experiences and thoughts on life, success, motivation, achieving your dreams and living a fulfilling life. Hey, why not just create a community where people could simply encourage one another, in whatever way possible. Then everyone can contribute positively and everyone can be an agent of positive change and influence.I believe there is great power in numbers and diversity. I am only one person, but if others like you joined me, we can achieve so much more. 




I designed all of these posters and they are all originals - just like me! So I hope you take a hint and stay original too. Don't copy others. Be yourself. You are great.Look through - feel free to copy and put them on your walls, as screensavers, or anywhere else they will keep you reminded to follow your dreams!

 This is one of the ones I really love. I had it on my desktop when I was at university. It says:“Remember if you don’t follow your dreams you’ll never know what’s on the other side of the rainbow. You’ll never know what you will find at the top of the mountain. You’ll never know where you will be at your journey’s end.”I think it’s from song by Melba Moore (not sure though). I used to listen to the song off of my Dad’s record player when I was young but didn’t know what the words meant. When it finally clicked years later I was astounded and inspired.

2 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

This blog is surprisingly interesting,..
This article is nice,..

Btw, why don't you invite all of your friends to build blogs in which the can share their very own success story?
then you can build a community you were dreaming about, surely you will be able to educate people,..

Keep blogging!

Unknown mengatakan...

:).. thanks for input.

thanks very much.

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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