Rabu, 16 Mei 2012


Trust is the best proof of love

The world is full of suffering, and you should also filled with anticipation

Positive thinking is not about expecting the best to Happen. It's about accepting whatever That Happens, it's for the best.

Behind the smile of someone there something you will never understand

Feelin 'so much better than before! So Thankful to the Lord.

Copying from one source is called plagiarism, copying from multiple sources is called research

because the past it might be like now ... life is so wonderfull when you can fell the change ...

Usually when people are sad, they do not do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they are angry, they bring about change.

Do not ever complain that ordeal. Because the trials that will strengthen you.

Smart people do not need kata2 wise, just stupid people who need advice

Happiness will never come to those who do not appreciate what they have

If you love her release him, if he's yours he will come back, if not, think he was not available

all problems must be passed and gave way to happiness

Did not know you get him the best, or he just cover your pain

If you only dreamed of without the act, when you can achieve that dream?

You can choose to be happy or sad, and that's what you choose would you earn

So many emotions, sometimes very difficult to control

Apapapun happens, it could still be grateful because God always provides the best and certainly will not disappoint you!

Early daunting. End is usually sad, but it was the middle of the most important.

Sometimes someone stupid who prefer to make them happy, make them sad experience

Sad because every day grow to be old, but happy to know you the more mature

If you sow with tears, then you will reap happiness

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